
冬奥有我 | 杭电国际学生花样献礼

发布日期:2025-01-04 16:00    点击次数:142
2022北京冬奥开幕式2022年2月4日晚8时第24届北京冬季奥林匹克运动会开幕式在国家体育场(鸟巢)隆重举行近日,杭州电子科技大学在校的2020级国际学生写诗、作画,各展才艺,通过多样的方式喜迎2022北京冬奥会和冬残奥会表达了自己对本次北京冬奥的热爱支持与美好的祝愿。下面一起来看看几位国际学生的祝福吧!俄罗斯 CHUPRIIANOVA EKATERINA(中文名:李梓晴)I was very impressed by these Winter Olympic Games. I would like to note the incredible level of preparation of the hosts of the Olympiad and the friendliness and hospitality with which Chinese fans met foreign athletes. These Olympic Games are a big step towards overcoming the difficult epidemiological situation that has arisen in the world. In my opinion, the Olympic Games in Beijing are not only a celebration of sports, but also a celebration of friendship of the entire world community.The Olympics’ goal is not to show the superiority of certain people to others. They are primarily about bringing together people of different nationalities with different faiths. Since ancient times, wars and civil strife stopped during the Olympic Games, so people respected this event. And it is important not to forget about this. The Olympics helps to foster a sporting spirit, fulfills dreams and many other things, but most importantly, it brings together different people who are increasingly moving away from each other nowadays... even the Olympic emblem speaks for itself about the friendship and unity of athletes. On the subject of this,I drew my own drawing as below, in support of the Olympics, the athletes who were preparing for competitions with such difficulty and all peoples and countries that exist on our planet. We are all as one.李梓晴画作《力量 友谊 团结》I really like this year's mascot, Bing Dwen Dwen. When you look at it, you immediately realize that this year the Olympics are being held in China, since the panda is China’s national treasure. The ice suit complements the image of the panda very well and symbolizes the connection with the latest technologies of the future, where everyone's possibilities are limitless. This once again reminds us that each of us can do everything he dreams of. Also, with a heart on his hand, which reflects a kind and cordial welcome, this mascot evokes only warm and joyful emotions. I also drew flags of different countries to show our unity, and to portray the essence of the Olympic Games-the unification of different people.摩洛哥 LAABOUSS YASSINE(中文名:林亚信)I really like the Olympic Games in terms of the legendary presentation and I really am happy to get to see my country participates. I hope to get to attend this great game in real life one day.The Olympic Games are so inspiring for everyone, especially to children, because they see that people from all around the world work together in peace for one goal: To accomplish something really important, like getting an Olympic medal or setting a new world record. There is no judgment about people’s origin, religion etc. Everyone has the same rights and is equal to everyone else in the Olympics. It’s a place where you can meet so many nice people and make friends for life.Some people say that the Olympics are for athletes, and I agree. But I think that everyone can enjoy the Olympic Games and it is so important to have a sense of competition in life because it helps you to set goals and develop yourself. Even if you don’t want to be a professional athlete, becoming a better person is also part of being an Olympic champion.  I hope the Olympic Games Beijing 2022 will be a great success and I already appreciate all the work they put to make it happen. I hope we will be able to participate in the Olympics again, so we can show our incredible skills to the world.林亚信英文藏头(OLYMPICS: 奥林匹克运动会)诗乌兹别克斯坦 RUZIEV MALIK(中文名:马利克)Chinese friends have done a great job for the quality preparation for the Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games.The organizers prepared great for the Games, made large-scale investments in sports and transport infrastructure, built modern sports complexes, created conditions for the safe stay of foreign athletes, coaches, and journalists.I wish Uzbekistan, Russia, China and other countries achieve impressive results and new records.I convey my warmest congratulations to the friendly Chinese people on the occasion of the Spring Festival, which marks beginning the Year of the Tiger. I wish you all health, prosperity and success.尼日利亚 UMEONYIRIOHA ATHNATIUS CAIUS UGOCHUKWU(中文名:马志强)Olympics has always been good happy moments when each country competes on different games. I still remember the previous Olympics and how much I enjoy watching them.I'm Nigerian and my country is participating in this current Olympics. Without doubt, I'm hoping that they win golds in cross-country skiing.I know it's hard to host such a competition in this global pandemic, and I would have loved to be there watching it live but it's okay, I'm cheering them right from my home here in our dormitory. May the best win.Finally, thank you China for hosting this and good luck to all the participants. 加油!!他们还在学院年级辅导员带领下云上传递冬奥会火炬领取北京冬奥会组委官方认证带有唯一编号的电子证书,部分证书展示如下ISMAILOVA ASSEL (左图)和RUZIEV MALIK(右图)的证书并参与了“我是冬奥体验官”的助力体验活动制作自己专属的冬奥头像为各国奥运健儿倾心喝彩左上图:SHARKOZA ANGELINA右上图:ALASKAROV ASADBEK左下图:GAFURBEKOV DAVRON右下图:TAALAB ELIAS最后,杭州电子科技大学全体国际学生预祝北京冬奥圆满成功——更快、更高、更强、更团结,让我们一起向未来!

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